4D Summit 2020 — Digital Experience — Keynote and Technical sessions

Introduction to the 4D Summit 2020
Official introduction to the 4D Summit 2020 – Digital E...
Eric Teissandier
Introduction to the 4D Summit 2020
Official introduction to the 4D Summit 2020 – Digital Experience – ...
02:11 min Preview session
Technical Keynote introduction
Technical Keynote introduction. Presentation of the new 4...
Thomas Maul
VP of Strategy, 4D Product Line
4D Germany
Technical Keynote introduction
VP of Strategy, 4D Product Line
4D Germany
Technical Keynote introduction. Presentation of the new 4D product release cycle, introduced with the v18. Get all the benefits of this new approach. ...
05:39 min Preview session
Version Control
Keisuke explains how team development works differently i...
Keisuke Miyako
Technical Account Manager
4D Japan
Version Control
Technical Account Manager
4D Japan
Keisuke explains how team development works differently in project mode compared to binary mode. Learn how to get the most out of project mode, by taking advantage of distributed workspace, 3rd party tools and version control. ...
14:20 min Preview session
UI Options through 4D Write Pro and 4D View Pro
4D Write Pro and 4D View Pro are usually perceived as a t...
Add Komoncharoensiri
Director of Technical Services
4D Inc. San Jose, CA, USA
UI Options through 4D Write Pro and 4D View Pro
Director of Technical Services
4D Inc. San Jose, CA, USA
4D Write Pro and 4D View Pro are usually perceived as a tool for creating a specific type of document. It is fair to say that they are not the most likely choice for building an interactive user interface. However, it is surprisingly equipped with many programmatic controls and options to can bring the data to life. ...
22:19 min Preview session
4D for iOS. Extend your business applications to mobile.
4D for iOS is a great tool that allows you to generate Na...
David Azancot
Product Owner
4D for iOS. Extend your business applications to mobile.
Product Owner
4D for iOS is a great tool that allows you to generate Native iOS apps and extend existing applications to mobile in a very few steps. Let’s discover the 4 main reasons why you should consider 4D for iOS for your next mobile app and how to proceed. ...
09:06 min Preview session
Document Production
Keisuke shows how to create beautiful data-driven documen...
Keisuke Miyako
Technical Account Manager
4D Japan
Document Production
Technical Account Manager
4D Japan
Keisuke shows how to create beautiful data-driven documents using new v18 features. Generating PDF/DOCX/XLSX files and template-based HTML emails has never been easier. ...
27:28 min Preview session
ORDA. The revolution continues.
ORDA has completely changed the way to build applications...
Intissar El Mezrouai
Product Marketing Manager
4D Morocco
ORDA. The revolution continues.
Product Marketing Manager
4D Morocco
ORDA has completely changed the way to build applications in 4D, it’s more than a syntax, more than a set of commands, and more than “everything with a dot”. With 4D v18, things got even better thanks to remote datastores, performance optimization, and new possibilities for generic coding. Your 4D applications are taken to new heights. ...
11:05 min Preview session
Table-level Encryption. Data Protection at its finest.
4D solutions have always been safe and stable. To keep it...
Intissar El Mezrouai
Product Marketing Manager
4D Morocco
Table-level Encryption. Data Protection at its finest.
Product Marketing Manager
4D Morocco
4D solutions have always been safe and stable. To keep its consistency, 4D invests heavily in developing and updating security features. With 4D v18, 4D delivers a new built-in data encryption solution for your 4D databases, adding another level of security that is completely transparent, safe, and fast. Securing your data is only one click away. ...
06:15 min Preview session
Admin Experience
Making Deployment, administration and installation easier...
Thomas Maul
VP of Strategy, 4D Product Line
4D Germany
Admin Experience
VP of Strategy, 4D Product Line
4D Germany
Making Deployment, administration and installation easier. ...
08:20 min Preview session
Technical sessions

The future of object-oriented development with 4D
The 4D language saw huge enhancements in 4D v17 and v18, ...
Laurent Esnault
Vice President of Engineering
The future of object-oriented development with 4D
Vice President of Engineering
The 4D language saw huge enhancements in 4D v17 and v18, with features such as object notation, variant, and formula objects. But this was just the beginning, there’s much more in the pipeline. During this session, Laurent Esnault (4D’s VP of Engineering), will provide insights about recently added features – and about major enhancements currently in development. ...
36:00 min Preview session
A peek into the future of 4D from Laurent Ribardière
4D v17 started a coding revolution in 4D with ORDA. 4...
Laurent Ribardière
Founder and President of 4D
A peek into the future of 4D from Laurent Ribardière
Founder and President of 4D
4D v17 started a coding revolution in 4D with ORDA. 4D v18 makes even more possible! Want to know where 4D is headed? What’s the vision driving 4D’s development? Get an exclusive preview of new, upcoming features. In addition to ORDA, Laurent Ribardière will demonstrate the most direct path to take your current applications to the Web. Please note tha...
1:52:56 min Preview session
4D & macOS Application Notarization
MacOS Catalina is here. Give 4D developers even more conf...
Erick Lui
Technical Services Engineer
4D Inc.
4D & macOS Application Notarization
Technical Services Engineer
4D Inc.
MacOS Catalina is here. Give 4D developers even more confidence in their deployment when distributing their application outside of the App Store by learning how easy it is to notarize their v18 application with 4D’s new recursive signature feature. ...
30:00 min Preview session
4D and Git: A new era of collaboration has begun
Version control has been a staple in every work environme...
Ahlam Benhachem
Developement Engineer
4D Morocco
4D and Git: A new era of collaboration has begun
Developement Engineer
4D Morocco
Version control has been a staple in every work environment where multiple resources tend to collaborate. Project databases make it easier by storing your project as plain text files in a source code control system. In this breakout session, we’ll show you step by step how to use Git (the revision control system) with Github as the hosting service for your 4D applica...
58:18 min Preview session
Connecting 4D with the real world – IoT & Home automation
Up to the standards of most innovative solutions, this se...
Al Mahdi Bakkali
Quality and Support Engineer
4D Morocco
Connecting 4D with the real world – IoT & Home automation
Quality and Support Engineer
4D Morocco
Up to the standards of most innovative solutions, this session will present a functioning system composed of computing and electronic devices, interacting with a 4D application. ...
36:49 min Preview session
Introduction to 4D for iOS
Are you in a business where you constantly need to keep p...
David Azancot
Product Owner
Introduction to 4D for iOS
Product Owner
Are you in a business where you constantly need to keep pace with latest changes? Checking out a list of prices, tracking invoice payments, etc.? In this session, I will show you how to easily extend your business application to mobile with 4D for iOS. ...
24:00 min Preview session
4D for iOS in depth
Do you want to go beyond the basics when designing your m...
David Azancot
Product Owner
4D for iOS in depth
Product Owner
Do you want to go beyond the basics when designing your mobile app? Are you interested in building your own templates and icons for a customised mobile app? You want to know how to filter data, build complex relations and advanced user interfaces for an engaging user experience? This session will cover all the above and more. ...
31:00 min Preview session
ORDA and Objects in a real world
In this session you will see how ORDA and objects are use...
Christian Sakowski
Developement Engineer
Heubach Media
ORDA and Objects in a real world
Developement Engineer
Heubach Media
In this session you will see how ORDA and objects are used in real life in production. You will learn how to handle null and undefined values and all what you need to know to program clean, safer and faster code. This session gives you new concepts and approaches into your hands and will open you new possibilities and advantages compared to the classic 4D language. You w...
43:00 min Preview session
4D View Pro
There are many new ways to control and interact with 4D V...
Tai Bui
Technical Services Engineer
4D Inc.
4D View Pro
Technical Services Engineer
4D Inc.
There are many new ways to control and interact with 4D View Pro. Multiple 4D commands that have been introduced that allow simplified ways to control the content and format of a 4D View Pro document displayed in a 4D View Pro area. ...
43:00 min Preview session
4D Write Migration
Before using the new features in 4D Write Pro, your exist...
Achim Peschke
Director of Technical Services
4D Germany
4D Write Migration
Director of Technical Services
4D Germany
Before using the new features in 4D Write Pro, your existing 4D Write templates and documents need to be migrated, preferably with a minimum of modifications. This session will help make this migration as simple as possible. We’ll talk about how things work as well as some inside information to help you understand 4D Write Pro better. By knowing the new concepts in 4D Wr...
39:00 min Preview session