The hierarchical list, the beginnings of Object management

The hierarchical list is an important element in an interface. Rarely used by developers, it is nevertheless remarkably powerful, with a reduced number of commands dedicated to it. In this module, we will show the steps of the construction of a hierarchical list through increasingly complete examples.
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Association QualiSoft
Patrick discovered 4D 25 years ago. Very interested by introspection which is now one on his favorite subject, Patrick embraced collection & ORDA for all his new projects.
With QualiSoft association, he provides customized application based on the association LIMS, association management, training and support.
He also helps a consortium of laboratories in Madagascar where every 2 years he moves there and dispenses training on Quality, R software, ISO 17025…
Patrick is graduated from Chatenay-Malabry university on Quality Insurance for Pharmaceutical industry, and from Strasbourg university with a master on IT project Management.
Starting his career on Quality with certification, he develops in parallel of his main work.
Other points of interest: Patrick is a chess and table tennis player, like to take pictures and travel.
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