4D & macOS Application Notarization

macOS Catalina is here. Give 4D developers even more confidence in their deployment when distributing their application outside of the App Store by learning how easy it is to notarize their v18 application with 4D’s new recursive signature feature. It signs all package contents with a secure timestamp and hardened runtime along with an already included entitlements file. To assure no one is left behind, the presentation will also cover the notary workflow in v17 for those still in the process of transitioning towards v18.
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Software engineer
4D Morocco
Mohamed Agoulzi is a software engineer with versatility experience in graphical and web design. He joined 4D after his graduation and has worked on multiple projects as a member of the 4D Professional Services team. He acquired his strong knowledge of the 4D Platform by working on 4D migration and web/desktop development.
He’s currently part of the training division with the mission to offer customers a comprehensive and high-level technical training.
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