4D SUMMIT 2020
March 26th, 2020
Dear 4D Partner,
As announced in our last communication, 4D Summit 2020 — planned to take place in Paris (March 17-19) and in Chicago (March 31th – April 2nd) — was canceled due to the current situation with the COVID-19 (Coronavirus). The global pandemic and the shelter-in-place measures ordered by the vast majority of countries made it unsafe to hold this event.
Despite significant financial commitments to our different suppliers to organize this event, the 4D executive team is committing to do its part in this common effort of solidarity, which is much needed in these exceptional circumstances.
Therefore, we have decided to fully refund your 4D Summit 2020 registration fees.
Starting April 1st, we will proceed with the cancelation of the invoice for your Summit registration. For those who have already made their registration payment, we will proceed with a full return.
Currently, our teams are in the process of recording all the sessions that were meant to be presented at the Summit. This includes the introductory technical keynotes and of course Laurent Ribardière’s exclusive session, “Web with 4D”, which is one of the main topics.
As soon as we are ready to publish, we will give you free access to these online sessions. We will also share the sessions made by the 4D Community and 4D Partners, who are also contributing to the Summit. This will give us the opportunity to share, this wealth of knowledge, allowing your applications to start this new decade with a huge advantage over your competitors.
In closing, I’d like to take this opportunity to stress the fact that we have taken measures to protect our entire staff, all of whom are now working from home. We are making sure that the continuity of our business is completely maintained by our various teams. Technical services (support), sales services and the current and planned professional services projects are all up and running.
I hope you and your loved ones stay safe and healthy.